If you’ve ever wondered how you can use social media marketing to sell more boats, then, you’re in the right place.
Because I’m going to reveal how I made my first million using Facebook.
But first, quick question: Have you noticed that every single business has the same Facebook goals?
1) Grow their audience by getting more likes, fans or friends
2) Promote their products or services
Unfortunately, most of them have turned a blind eye to the meaning of the word “social” in “social media.”
So, how can you use social media to sell more boats? How can you use it to attract more friends and fans?
Well, perhaps you’ve heard the quote by Andrew Carnegie:
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”
Even though Carnegie was quoted in 1934, this quote still applies, even more today in our digitized world and will help you to get tons of followers.
Oh, did you think I meant 1 million dollars? Hold the jealousy, I was talking about people reached with one single post!
So let’s review this great technique.
Whether you’re in sales or marketing, you need to remember that being interested in other people is the key to being successful.
World Class marketer Jay Abraham said: “The way to greatness today is to transfer your ultimate passion away from your product, service, company, and instead, fall in love with your clients.”
So you need to stop focusing about you or your company all the time, and focus on providing value and entertaining your audience. There are hundreds of possibilities to entertain and easily grow your audience on Facebook or Twitter.
Here’s What to do to Build a Following of Boaters on Social Media
You can share interesting stories, jokes, videos, quotes, and once in a while (try to keep a 80/20 ratio) include information about your product or service. Remember that people join social media to be entertained, and not to learn about your business.
I like the comparison of Google as Yellow Pages and Facebook as a coffee shop. And what do people talk about in coffee shops: Hobbies and passions, so boating fits perfectly.
The first mistake you could do is enter the coffee shop and sell right away. People don’t go to a coffee shop to be sold to. It’s like going to the Starbucks around the corner and having the insurance agent behind the door handing out business cards and brochures. It’s like, “Get out of here. Go away.”
So don’t do the mistake 95% of the companies are doing on Facebook and you will be able to quickly grow your audience .
Now, I started the Boat Show Avenue page in February with 72 fans and 8 months later we have over 110,000 fans. We used the same strategy on Twitter and built the largest community in our industry with over 42k followers.
Last month, we reached, for the first time, 1 million people with one post on Facebook.
Our post got nearly 1 million views, and went viral with over 4,500 shares!
So, How Did I Make My “Millions”?
It’s simple, really. The post wasn’t about my product or service. It was a boat launch fail video.
And because it went viral, it brought us tons of exposure and close to 1,000 extra likes to our fan page! So, Carnegie was right, a little improvement in social intelligence is the simplest way to dramatically improve your popularity.
If you want to improve your social intelligence and as a result, see major improvements in sales, business and relationship, I recommend 2 great books on the subject:
1) Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success by Colleen Stanley
2) How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Or, if you’d like to go deeper into the reasons why the traditional approach of pitching boats no longer works in today’s market, I’ve got a FREE gift for you here: 7 Days to Boat Sales Transformation
To your success!
— Vincent Finetti
Founder & Instructor
P.S. Try a listing strategy from my FREE Listing ebook here.
P.P.S. I’m doing an exclusive virtual Listings & Sales Workshop with a small group next month to go deep in applying my best strategies to your brokerage business.
Would you like to join us? If so, go here and enter your name and email for more details!
P.P.P.S Check out my client results here.